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Across hundreds of matter types in all sectors and jurisdictions, we focus on solutions and impact.


Our client was working on a dispute and had completed their discovery. Orders were made for the trial to proceed electronically. The legal team needed to prepare the index to the court book along with the relevant documents in a specific electronic trial format.

The client had previously completed similar tasks outside the review workspace and was looking for a way to leverage their review work product and prepare the electronic court book efficiently and accurately.


Our team worked with the client to have a draft index imported into the review tool. We created a custom index view and a custom coding layout. From this view, the legal team could make the necessary changes to the index in real time without leaving the review workspace.

The index was finalised within the review workspace, and a single export converted all documents to PDF, applying the appropriate pagination, preparing the exhibits, and hyperlinking relevant documents referenced.


Our work in creating the custom view and fields allowed our client to:

  • Avoid having to view and search for documents in the review platform and update the index separately, drastically increasing the speed at which the index could be prepared
    Reduce the risks associated with version control on an index that does not sit in a central location

  • Minimise the manual work required in preparing and hyperlinking exhibits, converting documents to PDF, and finalising a complete list, as they could rely on the tools available in the review workspace to assist with this.

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